Thursday, October 18, 2007

1st Oct 2007, Monday @ 10:59 A.M.

Well, what's the purpose of reading my blog?

Have you guys ever thought about it?

Yes, I have.

I want to know how my friends getting on.

that's why I read what they write.

Ya, you do think about it huh.

As I named this blog "whoever's comfort zone".

Does that mean I can't write anything unhappy?

Hehe, don't worry! I'm not going to do that.

Alright, let's make a quick start.

As usual, I'm going to share.

Hehe, don't you ever think that I want to share "Secret" huh.

I know you all love that, so I'm not going to do that though it's nice indeed.

The film I've watched is Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events.

It is a 2004 Academy Award-winning film,

directed by Brad Silberling.

I borrowed the DVD from a friend named Black.

About 15 of them I've borrowed, but I like this the most.

That's why I'm sharing.

It is based on the first three novels,

The Bad Beginning, The Reptile Room, and The Wide Window, in Lemony Snicket's book series.

As in the books, exactly where and when the story takes place is unclear.

The film reflects this ambiguity in its art direction;

it was praised for its creative sets and costumes,

all of which have a darkly expressionistic and gothic feel,

leading to a highly unusual and creative visual motif.

The film is narrated by Lemony Snicket,

who occasionally appears in silhouette,

writing the story on a typewriter in what appears to be the interior of a clock tower.

Inventive Violet Baudelaire, her intelligent younger brother Klaus and their sharp-toothed baby sister Sunny are orphaned when a mysterious fire destroys their parents' mansion.

They are placed in the care of bank manager Mr. Poe, who entrusts them to their "closest relative."

However, misinterpreting the phrase, Mr. Poe chooses the relative who lives the shortest distance away, the obnoxious Count Olaf.

Olaf promises to take care of the orphans "as if they were actually wanted" but in fact, he is only interested in the huge fortune that Violet will inherit when she turns 18.

In the meantime, he treats them like slaves.

This is just the very beginning of the story...

I'm so sorry if you're expecting me to tell you more.

Because I'm not going to do so.

Just watch it !

Buy it or borrow it, whatever.

I bet you won't regret. (",)

5th Nov 2006

a very nice song to recommend...

Now i realised that i'm a girl who likes sharing a lot,
i like to share nice songs, nice movies, nice spots, etc.
Except my burdens and whatever upsets me.

wah... now you know how nice of being my friends right?
it's not too late to compensate me, treat me dinner will do.

i think this is not a new song, but i heard it few days ago,
and i love it very much.

it's meaningful, touching.... the lyrics... the rhythm...
look for it on the internet if you're free,
i bet you won't regret.

my friend recommended me a new movie, "death note"
i trust his judgement, so i bought the dvd and watched it,
it's really *^%$#@!^~
made me speechless...
i like it veryX100 much...
the director must be a genius!

now, here goes the lyrics of the song i fond of (recently) ....

You Don't Miss Your Water (Till The Well Runs Dry)
As I sail with you across the finest oceans
On our way to find the key to our emotions
Together will me move the clouds to brighter days
Some people question what I say
Try to break up you and me

But I know this love between us is growing stronger
You can call me whenever, from wherever just remember that
I'll be there through all the stormy weather
Us break up never, no, we'll be together forever

You don’t miss your water till the well runs dry
But I believe so strongly with you and I
Can somebody answer me the question why?
You don’t miss your water till the well runs dry

As I close my eyes, sit back while reminiscing
Of when we used to fuss and fight but end up kissing
There may be sad and painful times along the way
But in my heart you'll always be everything and more to me

For I know this love between us is growing stronger
You can call me whenever, from wherever just remember that
I'll be there thought all the stormy weather
Us break up never, no, we'll be together forever

You don’t miss your water till the well runs dry
But I believe so strongly with you and i
Can somebody answer me the question why?
You don’t miss your water till the well runs dry

For you are always on my mind

You are always on my mind
You are always on my mind
You are always on my mind

You don’t miss your water till the well runs dry
But I believe so strongly with you and I
Can somebody answer me the question why?
You don’t miss your water till the well runs dry

You don’t miss your water till the well runs dry
But I believe so strongly with you and I
Can somebody answer me the question why?
You don’t miss your water till the well runs dry

Listen, If you ever get the feeling
You when playing start cheating me
But you don’t miss your water until the well runs dry

17th March 2006 23:49

here goes the story able to make me cry....





























Thursday, June 28, 2007





该是时候进入正题了,我个人是觉得长距离恋爱不会长久。人很脆弱,人的一生起起落落, 两个恋人分割两地。遇到瓶颈时怎么办?尤其是女生特别脆弱,她需要人安慰,需要人抚平她的伤痛。这也是最容易出轨的时候了。。。

Sunday, June 17, 2007




Weicheng, 对你没有多大的感想,因为你把心思都放在你女朋友身上了,忽略了我们大家。哈哈,其实有啦,觉得你是个不小器的男生,还蛮玩得起的,跟你开多大的玩笑应该都没关系吧。

Zhiqiang, 一个沉溺要虚拟世界里的小男生。。。若他穿上古装,也许你真的会以为他是从古代来的,可以跟你吟诗作对呢。哈哈哈!

Billy, 一个智慧型的领导者,我个人真的很欣赏。。。我想你和我一样都有很困苦的童年生活,所以在某方面我们是相似的。。。

William, 你像个大孩子,四肢发达,但。。。经历的不够多,像根温室里的小草。外表冷静但其实内心杂乱。哈哈哈!你让我影响最深刻的是你说笑话的时候。。。再来要谢谢你曾经当过我的听众。。。

Tsyr Huey, 在她身上,我看见从前的自己,很多东西都看在眼里,放在心里。不懂得放开,不懂得睁一只眼,闭一只眼,结果只是自己很累,别人心碎。。。但,我知道这一切都会过去的,我不也是这样过来了吗?

Qiuxiang, 影响最深刻的应该是你的名字吧!唐伯虎点“秋香”!你啊,太在意别人怎么样看你了,所以你不开心。我和你合作过好几次,每一次我们的意见或其他方面都会有出入,但都没关系,那并不会影响我们大家的感情。最后,我想告诉你的是,觉得是对的就去做啊,何必管别人怎么样想,别人的想法不等于你的想法。加油哦!

Magdalene, 知道吗,人在每一个阶段都会把自己需要的东西重新排列。也许现在这个阶段,你着重的不是学业吧。这并没有错哦!也许你有更重要的东西需要你花更多的心思在那里,只是你不懂得平衡而已。而别人又用错了方式劝你。。。别气馁。。。加油!

Shirley, 我们的千金啊!别再作弊了!不用功念书,考试的时候就冒险作弊。上得山多终遇虎啊!她拥有我没有的自信,敢怒敢言,有种天不怕地不怕的感觉,她拥有很好的社交手法,朋友好多。有时候觉得她很三八,但,从另一个角度来看,她的特质是很多人都做不到的。你需要她帮忙的时候,我想她就是那个挺身而出的人吧!

Nicole, 来自书香世家,父母都是教职员,有很好的家庭及教育背景。是个令人羡慕的独身女。但有怪脾气哦!没关系啦,我也有很多怪脾气。

Baby Snow, 我个人很欣赏的一个女生。她最大的优点就是不会管别人的眼光,随心所欲,她这一生应该没多少遗憾吧。

Jefferey, 不懂得平衡自己的生活,但最大的优点就是乐于助人。但它的优点就是他的缺点。就是因为太乐于助人,所以把自己的生活重心模糊了。

Su Teng, 因为这世界的现实而不安的女人。习惯了家人的呵护备至,所以现在碰到难题时会手忙脚乱,不懂得解决。

See Wei, 典型的小女人,娇滴滴的,很惹人疼。

Junyce, 一个好年轻但又不失成熟的女生,这两年四个月里看到了她的蜕变。她经历了更残酷的事实,看到了更丑陋的人心,因此而明白了更多道理。希望她会继续坚强下去。

Kai Ling, 我们的开心果,总是把笑容挂在脸上,好满足的样子。你一定有你的不愉快吧。幸好有你弟弟保护你。要继续开心哦!
